We have a large collection of photographs available of both captive and wild reptiles and amphibians, many of which have been taken of species that we have found during our herp-photography trips. We also have articles published in various journals and magazines from time to time, some of which will be available for download here.

Photography. Publications.

Suitable for all abilities from the complete novice to the seasoned pro, we offer wildlife photography photography courses based around reptiles and amphibians. Our workshops range from 1 - 2 hours duration, and you'll have the chance to shoot a wide selection of animals naturally-built sets. We'll be on hand to offer advice on camera use and techniques to photograph herpetofauna, as well as to handle the animals.
If you do not currently own as DSLR camera but would like to learn how to use one, we'll have a couple of spares available for sure, as well as external flash units.
Photography workshops are available for 1:1 sessions, camera clubs and societies, schools, colleges and universities, and we also routinely set our own dates throughout the year. Please contact us to book!
Over a period of more than 15 years, we have built up a large photography portfolio of both animals and habitats from our many expeditions in search of wild reptiles and amphibians. Our photography focuses on capturing images of particular behaviours, full body-shot images suitable for identifcation and use in field guides and regional variations of particular species.
Our photographs have been used to illustrate a large number of field guides, research papers and magazines.
Check out our Expeditions page for a selection of our photography, or click here to view our full herp-photography portfolio at our Calphotos profile page.
Click For Our Full Herp-photography Portfolio

Reptile and Amphibian Photography WORKSHOPS