Eco Animal Encounters own a large collection of venomous snakes, mainly specialising and Southeast Asian and Australian species. We have been working with venomous snakes for over 10 years, both in captivity and in the wild.
Venomous. Snakes.

Our adult male Malaysia king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah. This snake is the only WC specimen we have in our collection. He converted on to rodents quickly after being imported into the country, and has been growing well every since.

CB2010 female Chinese king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah

One of our holdback Papuan taipans, Oxyuranus scutellatus canni, from 2011. We have recently had an article published in Herp Nation magazine on breeding this species.

Female Siamese Peninsular pit viper, Trimeresurus fucatus.

Suphan cobra, Naja kaouthia. Female hold-back from one of our 2010 clutches.

Our pair of common death adders, Acanthophis antarcticus.

Venomous Snake Husbandry Resources
Establishing a wild-caught king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah - An article detailing the methods used to establish a fresh wild-caught Malaysian king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah. Includes information on husbandry, medication and feeding.
Captive care information for venomous snakes, particularly rarer species, is often limited, and so it is important for us to keep detailed notes on methods used for captive husbandry, maintenance and breeding. Whether you succeed of fail with keeping a species, this information can prove to be invaluable; after all, nothing will be learned without these details being put down on paper.
The articles on this page are written from our own experiences with the species we have kept or are currently keeping in our collection. They are for educational purposes only and are not intended to encourage the keeping of venomous snakes.
King Cobra

Breeding the Papuan taipan, Oxyuranus scutellatus canni - Having successfully bred the Papuan taipan on a number of occassions, we have put together an article detailing the methods that we use. Includes information on cycling, breeding, incubation methods and raising hatchlings.
Papuan Taipan

Six Months with the Fea's Viper, Azemiops feae - Husbandry notes detailing 6 months of captive care with a young pair of Yunnan province locality black-headed Fea's vipers, Azemiops feae.
Fea's Viper